Monday, February 4, 2008

Apply Alliteration

alliteration [(uh-lit-uh-ray-shuhn)]
The repetition of the beginning sounds of words, as in “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,” “long-lived,” “short shrift,” and “the fickle finger of fate.”

What more is there to say?

Oh, . . .How about repeating the design multiple times? A stencil would be useful, but a pattern would also work. A pattern is easier to make. Just draw the mallet out on a poster board and then cut around the design. Then place the pattern on the mallot colored paper and trace around the edge to recreate the shape. Outline with markers to finish. A bit of glitter would be nice to express the pieces flying!
Don't forget the Onomatopoeia!
PDF file coming soon!

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